Mar 03, 2016

Unison File Synchronizer. Unison is a file-synchronization tool for OSX, Unix, and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to … Why is Unison better than rsync? - Quora Dec 02, 2015 Contents

Installation — docker-sync 0.5.11 documentation

GitHub - bcpierce00/unison: Unison file synchronizer

Optionally, if you do not want to use unison or want a better rsync or use unison (than the built-in OS X one) if you use unison. brew install unison brew install eugenmayer/dockersync/unox if you use rsync. brew install rsync Homebrew aka brew is a tool you need under OSX to install / easy compile other tools. You can use other tools/ways to

Installation — docker-sync 0.5.11 documentation Optionally, if you do not want to use unison or want a better rsync or use unison (than the built-in OS X one) if you use unison. brew install unison brew install eugenmayer/dockersync/unox if you use rsync. brew install rsync Homebrew aka brew is a tool you need under OSX to install / easy compile other tools. You can use other tools/ways to Move Over Rsync, Unison is Better at Bi-Directional The situations where I use unison is when either server may be the one that is updated. In these cases, unison is better because it brings in the changes from both sides. Unison is best when both sides are the source and both are the destination for the changes. Rsync works find when one side is the source and the other is the destination. Jeff mount - Unison vs Rsync + Mounted Remot Drive - Ask Ubuntu It seems that Unison is a program meant to do the same thing as differential rsync. Have I misunderstood? Unison sounds like it is built for syncing files across servers so I wouldn't have to worry about keeping the remote server's mount up and running or re-establishing the mount before executing a differential rsync.